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$6000 raised for Micah Projects Inc.

Posted on 31 January 2016

QMO has raised over $6000 for Micah Project Inc., with proceeds from our '13th Day of Christmas' concert in December last year. A big Thank You to our audience who came to support us and gave us the opportunity to contribute towards Micah Project's great community work. Also, thank you to our QMO Family, who participated in and helped out with the concert, especially those who supported our chocolate drive to minimise our costs. 

Ashintosh's 2016 managing director, Mitchell Cox (who is also our trombone player), caught up with Micah Project's CEO, Karyn Walsh, last week, to present a cheque. For those who attended the concert, Karyn spoke on stage during the 1st half,  and mentioned their various important community projects that are happening all around Brisbane. Our funds will be contributing to the Domestic Violence clinic, due to opening later this year. Other executive members from Micah Projects Inc also came to the Christmas concert, and were thoroughly impressed by the muscial talents within the medical community and QMO's commitment to charity. They promise to keep us up to date with their progress, and were sincerely appreciative of our efforts. 

To find out more about Micah Projects Inc and other charities we have supported in 2015, visit Our Charities page


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